Fix your code
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The human mind is like a supercomputer; the difference is that this computer has unlimited potential. When we think of our mind as a computer, we realize our words, thoughts, and actions are the code we've been using to run our program.
I use this analogy because it is simple to understand in today's world, not to mention machine learning and deep learning are designed after the mind's neurological networks. You see, at one point in my career, I worked as a Computational Linguist. I even went through half of a Master's degree in Computer Science (more on that later). As a Computational Linguist, I created linguistic data for artificial intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants. Linguists are why Siri and Cortana can communicate in a way they can be understood and convince you that they understand you.
Change Your Code Change Your Life!
When a programmer writes code, they must do so in a specific order and with the correct instructions, or the program will cease to operate. If the code isn't clear many things can happen, the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) can give you error messages suggesting that you fix the improperly formatted information. The translator or compiler might misinterpret your code, causing bugs in the program or simply not allowing it to run. The program may run but has numerous issues while doing so. To change this, the programmer needs to understand how the specific programming language works, what detailed instructions must be included, and what may need to be left out. When done correctly, the code will be written in grammatical order. The IDE will accept it, the computer will properly interpret the code, and the program will run with little to no issues (I omitted several processes simply for this post, but you get the idea).
If we think of our mind as a supercomputer, we quickly realize how proper coding is vital for full functionality. Like a computer, our mind needs clarity, it needs constants, and it needs instruction; it can interpret and take hold of. If we give it complicated hard to understand instructions, chances are it will simplify it for us and work toward that.
What are the instructions you've been giving your mind?
Let's look at some examples:
1.) Let's say it is my deepest desire to have a rewarding career, yet I talk about how hard work is and how I want to quit. I'm sending my "supercomputer" mixed signals; I've messed up the code. The program that will run, if at all, is the one my brain has built the deepest neurological path for. Plus, my mind works to protect me. If I'm dreading work and hate it, my mind will find all the reasons I shouldn't do it. My brain will even subconsciously self-sabotage my conscious efforts to keep me from doing the things I dread. This is why I feel stuck; this is why I keep ending up with the same results no matter what I try or do differently. I have given my mind unclear instruction; I've written bad code.
2.) What if I want to quit smoking? I really want to quit, but I dread the thought of actually quitting. I worry about the side effects of quitting. I worry about how hard it will be and frequently speak of the hardships surrounding quitting. I'm telling my mind, "It's too hard, it will be painful, and I really don't want to quit." So what does my mind do? It responds to me by reminding me how hard it is and how much trouble it will be. It is trying to protect me from the thing I've been dreading. Quitting will be virtually impossible, and willpower won't stand a chance. Conscious effort cannot supersede subconscious programming.
3.) Let's take a little look at this one... we want to be healthy, but we've adopted the idea that we will never be able to enjoy the foods we love if we choose to eat healthier. We look in the mirror and are reminded of our dream life. Desiring to be fit, healthy, and active, but we say things and think things like, "I hate working out, I get all sweaty and smelly, it's sooo exhausting! Plus, I absolutely love chocolate cake, and I would never be able to eat it. I would have to give up so many things I love and do so many things I hate." Let see how our supercomputer translates this... "I dread exercise. It makes me feel icky and tired. I will have to suffer to be healthy, which I don't really want to do." Then our words and thoughts create actions that solidify the opposite of what we want.
Our mind works with constants; it doesn't care whether the information we tell it is true or false; it wants to keep us alive and safe. The brain cannot hold two opposing beliefs. It will choose the path of least resistance.
What can we say and think instead? First of all, we don't need to be that freaky person that is always positive. You know, the one, their arm could get cut off by a freak rose bush accident, and they'll say, "At least the rose bush looks lovely!"
Well, let's take a close look at the first scenario. I really want a rewarding career, I'm tired of feeling unfulfilled in my potential, and I want more.
Good code! "I am willing to put in the hard work that is needed for me to get where I want to go. I know that by doing so, I will find a career I am fulfilled in."
Let's take this deeper!!! Think about exactly what you want, not what you don't want. Now that you know what you want, let's be crystal clear in your words, thoughts, and actions to move you in the direction of what it is you want.
Maybe the career you want is with the company you are currently working for, and it's a promotion that you're are seeking, not an entirely different job. So you say, "I know I have what it takes to get that promotion, and I am willing to put the effort forth to ensure that job is mine." When those negative thoughts come up, you tell yourself, "Yes, I realize it is a small challenge, but the outcome is well worth the effort. Besides, I enjoy the challenge.
Scenario number two, I have a habit I have wanted to quit, but I'm worried about how hard it will be. Choose to say, "I don't even like smoking. I am choosing to quit because this habit is holding me back from the life I want. I know it may be a bit difficult, but I have incredible coping skills."
Scenario number three, I want to be healthier. First off, I want to create realistic goals. Otherwise, I'm setting myself up for failure.
Give your mind clear instruction, figure out precisely what you want, what you want to weight, what you want to do when you are healthier that you aren't able to do now.
You might choose to say something like, "I want to lose 15 pounds in the next six months so that I can go on hikes with my son. I make good decisions about the foods I eat, I can still have the things I enjoy, but I don't eat them every day. I am choosing to eat this way because I want to enjoy good health."
Do you see a difference in the directions you can supply for your code to be written properly? It's all about word choice. Empower yourself with the right words and thoughts. Your mind will move you in the direction you want to go when you know how to supply the right code for its program.
Now it's your turn. What code have you been running that you may need to reprogram? The life you want is within reach, tell your mind where you want to go, and it can take you there!