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Writer's pictureApril Amrine

3 Tips to Overcome Anything!

It's time to break free!

Have you been walking in the proverbial desert, feeling like there is no end in sight?

Years ago, I battled deep depression, grief, anxiety, and emotional trauma. If a feeling could be described in a place, I would definitely call it the desert. The desert can quench no thirst nor satisfy any hunger.

You are walking with little hope and glimpses of false reality while you battle your way through those dry bones. Every step is torture, and every waking moment is devastating. There is no hope, and it appears that there is no way out.

As you inch yourself forward, you wonder if you are actually moving at all, the sound of the dry ground beneath your feet echos in your ears, and heat overtakes you. You look out into the vastness, and a faint vision appears.

Could it be real?

Or is this another trick of the enemy?

Days pass, then weeks, then months, and even years. You move through life wishing for it to end, wanting to sleep your way through it, but you know you can't.

Our victory in these times come by knowing 3 things:

1.) Know whose you are.

I know not one of us wants to belong to someone else, but the truth is our souls do. It is your choice who it belongs to, but ultimately you are serving some god (emphasis on little 'g') or the one and only God. Knowing what god you have submitted yourself to is the first step to overcoming. If you have submitted yourself to your past, I have good news! You can turn to God and submit yourself to him and be free from your past.

I'm gonna stop and pray here, because I know that the devil can come against you and make you feel condemned. I declare that's not going to happen here! This is simply a way to shed light on something that may be keeping you trapped in your desert. God wants you free; let him reveal what needs to be addressed.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your great love for us! I know it is your will that we receive the freedom that is provided in Christ Jesus. I ask that you help us step into that. Reveal to us those things that we have let take your place in our lives. Convict us of our righteousness, set us free from the chains that have bound us so we can live freely in you. I ask Father that you reveal the truth to us and that you open our eyes to the power of your love and who you are in our lives.

In Jesus' name, I pray amen.

A few years ago, Christian pastor Kyle Idleman wrote a book titled "gods at war." I know, it's not in title caps. It's not supposed to be; that was the idea. He felt impressed to address the issue of false gods because it is so rampant in our society and has been since the beginning of time. You see, for something to become a god in our lives, we give it authority over us. To some, it is the flesh. When we give in to every carnal desire, we are allowing our flesh to rule over us. The flesh, in this case, gets the glory and the power. It is then our god. Some of us allow a substance to become a god; we have given over our power to it. Then some have the god of work and accomplishment, and their job is their god. Some of us allow our pain to become a god in our lives. This was something I fell for. I allowed my pain to take away my power and my choice. The depression became my god.

So, I ask you... what god are you serving?

We all fall prey to this at times. I certainly have. Knowledge was a god to me for some time; my flesh has certainly risen up and been a god in my life before. It is not something that is planned; it sometimes sneaks in like the little foxes under the fence. It's subtle, and before we know it, we've let something else take the power and glory away from the one true God.

I realize that to some, this may sound like a harsh truth; however, I will encourage you in this. If you are feeling condemned, that my friend is not from God. The condemnation may be from your flesh, others, or the devil, but not the one true God. The accuser of the brethren is Satan; God convects, he doesn't condemn.

Conviction is an understanding that you are on the wrong path,

and condemnation is a sentence that you are the wrong path.

Nope, that is exactly what I meant to say. Condemnation is a sentence that 'you are the wrong path.'

When God convicts us, he does so by reminding us of our righteousness (which means right standing). To find out more, go to John 16:8. I'm partial to the King James Version as I feel it is closer to the original meaning, but your personal preference is totally up to you.

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: -John 16:8 KJV

The Bible also says that you are the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). That means as a child of God, you have right standing with God and he sees you as righteous. If you are a Chrisitan, meaning you've received Jesus Christ as your personal savior, then God is your Father. He is not like an earthly father. He loves you perfectly without anything attached. God wants us to know Him on an intimate level, not just as our God, but as our Father, our provider, deliverer, redeemer, strong tower, etc. When we understand whose we are, we can begin to determine who we are.

2.) Know who you are.

Are you still with me? I know the devil can take you to a dark place with some of that, but know that is not my intention nor God's. As I mentioned, I have dealt with giving power and glory to false gods in my own life. It is far more common than not.

Moving on!

Now that you know whose you are, let's see who you are. If Jesus is your savior then God is your Father, that makes you a son or daughter of the King and a joint heir with Christ.

A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation. -Psalm 65:5 KJV
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. -Romans 8:17 KKV

If you are a child of the King and a joint heir with Christ that means that you have diplomatic immunity to the things of this wold. You have an advocate that interceeds for you, a Father that cares for you, access to the Heavelny army, and are now in a covenant relationship with the creator! Pretty cool huh?

You are a child of the Almighty King!

Because you are in Christ you also have access to come boldly to the thrown room of God without shame. Ephesians 3:12 says

In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. -KJV

You are chosen by God, engrafted into the Kingdom, members of His body, flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone (Ephesians 5:30) You are a child of light, you don't need to walk in darkness anymore. Step into the light! God is waiting for you to step into your true identity.

3.) Know what you carry.

Jesus said it is better that he goes to the Father because now we can receive the comforter. You carry the very spirit of God? You do, and so do I! He came and made a home in us, in our soul, in our spirit. And where ever you go he goes, there is no separating you from Him. The very power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you and He wants you to share Him with others.

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. -Romans 8:11 KJV

Ask God to reveal to you who you are. If you know whose you are, who you are and what you carry, nothing can stop you!

If you would like to work with me schedule you complimentary Doyenne Strategy Session today. Let's take back what the devil has stolen! Click here to set up an appointment.

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